See the following announcements:
- FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: AGeS-TRaCE Proposal Deadline on October 8, 2024; Info session on Thurs Sept 5, 2024 at 9 am MT
- Upcoming CRESCENT tsunami workshop
On behalf of Ramon Arrowsmith, ASU
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: AGeS-TRaCE Proposal Deadline on October 8, 2024; Info session on Thurs Sept 5, 2024 at 9 am MT
There are strong needs for training and community collaboration on numerous topics across the discipline of geochronology. AGeS-TRaCE is a new funding mechanism that supports community-driven ideas for addressing geochronology needs, such as capturing, formalizing, and disseminating not-yet-standardized geochronology knowledge, and providing opportunities for collaborative discussion on key geochronology challenges related to human-, technical-, or cyber-infrastructure. Examples of AGeS-TRaCE project topics include but are not limited to: accessible webinars, tutorials, and workshops on best practices, lab procedures, instrument design, statistics and uncertainties, or data interpretation with generated content that can be made available on the AGeS website; focused meetings to discuss interlaboratory calibration, spikes, new and emerging chronometers, data management and curation systems, modeling tool development or other capabilities needed for the future; accessible teaching activities that involve geochronologic data; outreach to the broader Earth sciences community and/or the public to communicate the importance of geochronology; and projects that address other community needs.
Typical award amount: Up to $10,000. Budgets may include stipends required to accomplish the proposed activities, travel for project participants, and/or other related costs. Number of awards: 6-10 in 2024. Eligibility: Proposals can be submitted by faculty, senior scientists, and postdoctoral scientists anywhere in the U.S. Up to two PIs are allowed on a TRaCE proposal. Additional partners can be engaged and should indicate their commitment to the project through letters of support.
Proposals are short. For additional program details please see the AGeS3 website.
We will be holding an information session about the AGeS-TRaCE program on Thurs Sept 5, 2024 at 9-10 am MT to explain the program and answer questions. The session will be by ZOOM and will be recorded, posted on the website, and available for review afterwards.
On behalf of Ignacio Sepulveda, San Diego State University
Upcoming CRESCENT tsunami workshop
The workshop is meant to be an intimate gathering of experts to discuss specific topics of interest to CRESCENT’s science goals. It will gather scientists from the geoscience and engineering fields, as well as interested community members and industry participants.
The goal is to identify technical gaps and potential improvements when assessing tsunami risks and designing for them. As such, the workshop will cover 4 core themes:
- Geophysics: what is new in the science of earthquakes and tsunamis?
- PTHA: advances in the framework of how we quantify uncertain hazards
- Fragility analysis: what do we know about translating hazard into risk?
- Implementation: How is all the aforementioned knowledge put into use in policy and industry applications?
Each core theme will have speakers presenting key aspects of what’s new and exciting. Attendants will be also invited to participate in the several round tables planned for the meeting.
Note the number of attendants for the meeting is limited. If you are interested in attending please register here. Limited funding may be also available for those who need to cover travel expenses, especially early career participants. If you have any questions about the workshop, please let us know at isepulveda@sdsu.edu.
Best regards from the organizers,
Diego Melgar, University of Oregon and CRESCENT Ignacio Sepulveda, San Diego State University Shubharoop Ghosh, ImageCat Dan Cox, Oregon State University
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