Monday, February 03, 2025
See the following announcements:
- Learn Pegasus Workflows - Five Tutorials Across Time Zones
- CIG - The Next Generation
- Geophysical Software Developer and Data Specialist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- CICESE, Earth Sciences Division – Seismology Department open call for Research position
On behalf of Karan Vahi, ISI-USC
Learn Pegasus Workflows - Five Tutorials Across Time Zones
Join us for an engaging series of tutorials on the Pegasus Workflow Management System, tailored for users of ACCESS CI systems! Discover how to design, deploy, and optimize workflows to accelerate your research, including a hands-on example showcasing Large Language Model - Retrieval Augmented Generation (LLM-RAG) workflows on GPUs
With this tutorial, you can learn to utilize ACCESS, OSG, and NAIRR-Pilot resources for your work. No ACCESS allocation is required to participate.
To accommodate participants with busy schedules, the same tutorial will be offered on five different days, across multiple time zones. Pick the time slot that best fits your schedule:
- Monday, February 3, 8am PST
- Wednesday, February 5, 10am PST
- Friday, February 7, Noon PST
Since the content is identical each day, you only need to attend one session.
Secure your spot today by registering here: Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your workflow management skills and take your research to the next level!
On behalf of Lorraine Hwang, CIG
CIG - The Next Generation
Come join the geodynamics community in Breckenridge, Colorado from August 4-7, 2025 and to discuss cross cutting science and the next generation vision towards understanding of large and small scale Earth systems.
We welcome proposals for tutorials and breakout groups organized and hosted by our community members. Tutorials are typically ½ day introductions to open source modeling software or topics in software development, FAIR4RS or software tools. Breakout sessions in geodynamics, computation, and/or software may be a special interest group providing opportunities for discussion and feedback or scientific session providing opportunities to explore emerging topics or to engage in a focus in depth look at current trends, bottlenecks, or other specialty topics.
Please see the Call for Sessions tab on our event website for more information on submitting your proposal.
DEADLINE: Friday March 14, 2025
More information about this event can be found on our website.
On behalf of Ana C. Aguiar, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Geophysical Software Developer and Data Specialist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
We have a new opening at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for a Geophysical Software Developer and Data Specialist to develop and apply advanced computational methods to seismology research related to nuclear non-proliferation, national security, and energy security research. We are seeking an individual with the quantitative skills and experience to work with a team of geophysicists, seismologists and developers in applying these methods to a variety of multi-disciplinary monitoring problems in the Geophysical Monitoring Program (GMP) and support the management of GMP’s extensive data assets. You will report to the Seismology Group Leader and the GMP Program Leaders. This position is in the Seismology Group within the Atmospheric, Earth, and Energy Division (AEED).
- Work with a team to maintain and improve the LLNL Geophysical Monitoring Database (GMDB) in support of a variety of research programs related to nuclear non-proliferation, national, and energy security.
- Develop scientific software capable of ingesting, organizing, assessing quality, compiling, controlling access and tracking provenance from large geophysical data sets from many different sources used for seismological research.
- Develop software to manipulate, analyze, measure, visualize and output large geophysical datasets used in geophysical research. This includes applying algorithms for data intensive computing to the organized large geophysical datasets.
- Work with GMP IT and LLNL IT staff on data infrastructure, including storage and processing for large geophysical datasets and related software.
- Work as part of an interdisciplinary scientific team of geophysicists, seismologists and developers to accomplish research goals, design and implement research projects, and coordinate program requirements and deliverables for sponsors and customers.
- Perform other related duties as assigned.
If you are interested, please follow this link for full details and application instructions:
On behalf of Luis Mendoza, Seismology Department, CICESE
CICESE, Earth Sciences Division – Seismology Department open call for Research position
The Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada, Baja California (CICESE), through the Earth Sciences Division, invites all interested persons to compete for one Researcher positions in the Department of Seismology. The Earth Sciences Division consists of 3 Departments: Applied Geophysics, Geology and Seismology, with a staff of 38 researchers and 41 technicians. The Seismology Department at the CICESE initiated activities on January 1, 1983. It currently has a staff of 15 researchers and 19 technical personnel positions. Its primary mission is to carry out earthquake source studies and the propagation of seismic waves through the interior of the Earth, as well as the prevention and mitigation of seismic risk.
The main research areas of the Seismology Department are: Seismotectonics: Seismicity, seismic sources, attenuation, computational seismology and Volcano seismology. Crustal deformation: Geodesy and seismicity in Baja California, deformation and seismicity induced by anthropogenic activity. Seismic hazard and risk. Engineering seismology: Site response, microzonation and analysis of strong motion. Rock physics: Physics of porous media, propagation of seismic waves in complex media.
Further information about the program’s diverse activities and priorities can be found on the web site.
- Academic Training:
PhD. in Earth Sciences or similar.
- Profile:
- We are looking for a researcher with experience in one of the areas related to the research at the Department of Seismology, with special interest in Engineering Seismology. Possible topics include seismic zoning of urban areas, processing and analysis of strong motion records, seismic response of soils, slope stability, soil liquefaction, and soil-structure interaction.
Experience in research, shown through scientific publications in recent years (not more than 5 years) in prestigious journals of international recognition
- Experience in addressing problems related to seismic hazard and risk, shown through work in Engineering Seismology.
- Experience in teaching courses on a graduate level (master’s and Ph.D.)
- Student advising and supervising theses
- Experience in collaboration with international groups is desirable.
- Experience of at least one year in research, in a faculty position or as a postdoctoral researcher after obtaining the PhD.
- Interested candidates must demonstrate skills to:
Disseminate their research in academic journals, scientific conferences, and in outreach projects
Manage seismic data acquisition systems.
Work in interdisciplinary groups.
Obtain external funding to cover research expenses.
It is recommended that the candidate establish links with the social, governmental and production sectors to identify seismic risk problems and develop proposals to implement solutions.
- Activities to be carried out:
- Conducting research on seismological topics, preferably in Engineering Seismology.
- Working with the different entities involved in seismic risk mitigation.
- Human resource development, through teaching graduate courses and student advising, leading to the completion of master’s or Ph.D. theses.
- Collaborate in administrative and management tasks related to the department.
Please forward this call to those who may be interested. Potential applicants may contact Luis Mendoza or Alejandro Gonzalez with any questions about the position, job duties, or application process.
The application period closes February 17, 2025.
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