SCEC Award Number 10060 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title A nonlinear site response computer application for the SCEC Broadband Ground Motion Simulation Platform
Name Organization
Domniki Asimaki Georgia Institute of Technology
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities B5, B6, B3 SCEC Groups GMP, SHRA
Report Due Date 02/28/2011 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit Within the science objectives of SCEC, the proposed research contributes to the representation of high frequency components for broadband ground motion simulations, the incorporation of nonlinear soil models in ground motion predictions, and the development of physics-based predictive models for engineering applications.
Broader Impacts At the interface of engineering and
seismology, our work includes contributions to the development of “physics-based” earthquake forecast models.
The realistic simulation of future earthquake scenaria can be only achieved by combining source,
path, and site-response models. The proposed research integrates the reduced uncertainty achieved
through seismic monitoring with the factors that contribute to the improvement of risk assessment
and mitigation strategies, and develops a tool that allows integration of nonlinear response analyses in ground motion simulations thus providing engineers and scientists with tools that can be adopted in practice.
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