SCEC Award Number 11015 View PDF
Proposal Category Communication, Education, and Outreach Proposal
Proposal Title SCEC Coordination with Earthquake Engineering Research and Practice
Name Organization
Paul Somerville URS Corporation
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities B, B4, B6 SCEC Groups EEII, N/A, GMP
Report Due Date 02/29/2012 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
I coordinated SCEC activities that involve interaction of SCEC scientists with earthquake engineers involved in advanced research and practice. The PEER NGA-East Project is using the Platform for the validation of ground motion simulation methods for the Central and Eastern United States. I promoted the use of the SCEC Broadband Platform for the PEER NGA-East Project, and it has been decided that the Platform will be used in the next stage of the project, which is the generation of simulations for the construction of ground motion prediction equations for that region. I participated in the establishment of a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on validation of strong motion simulations, whose purpose is to develop and implement testing/rating methodologies for the acceptance of simulated ground motion time histories in research and practice. I participated in ATC-82, whose objective was to provide guidance for selecting, generating, and scaling earthquake ground motions for performing response-history analysis of low- and medium-rise buildings, such that ground motion uncertainties do not necessarily dominate the accuracy of the results. Both code-based design and seismic performance assessment were addressed. I participated in the GEM Testing & Evaluation Meeting that was held in London, U.K. from 28th February – 1st March. I made a presentation on validation of ground motion simulations, based on the validation work that has been done on the SCEC Broadband Strong Motion Simulation Platform. I also participated in the GEM OpenQuake Development Review Meeting held on the afternoon of March 1 and the GEM Macroseismic Intensity Meeting, held on March 2.
Intellectual Merit A major focus of the work is the development of procedures for the simulation of strong ground motion, and the implementation of these procedures on the SCEC Broadband Strong Motion Simulation Platform
Broader Impacts This project involved the development and transfer of knowledge to organizations involved in earthquake engineering research and practice. A major focus of the work is the validation or procedures for the simulation of strong ground motion for use in engineering analyses, and the development of optimal procedures for the selection and scaling of ground motion time histories for use in those analyses.
Exemplary Figure No figures were included in the report