SCEC Award Number 11025 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title Geodetic Transient Detection Test Exercise: Targeted Algorithm Improvement and Progress Toward Continuous Monitoring
Name Organization
Rowena Lohman Cornell University Jessica Murray-Moraleda United States Geological Survey
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities A5, A2, C SCEC Groups Geodesy, CDM, EFP
Report Due Date 02/29/2012 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Goal: Discuss current state of automated detection efforts, issues with adapting existing codes to the testing center framework and future directions.
Intellectual Merit Background: The Transient Detection Test Exercise is a project in support of one of the SCEC3 priority science objectives, to “develop a geodetic network processing system that will detect anomalous strain transients.” Systematic searches of geodetic data for transient signals has obvious applications for network operations, hazard monitoring, and event response, and may lead to identification of events that would otherwise go (or have gone) unnoticed.
Broader Impacts We utilize existing facilities for our testing center, which will hopefully open up this exercise to a wider community.
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