SCEC Award Number 13022 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Continued study of fault mechanics and structure during laboratory stick-slip experiments
Name Organization
Thorsten Becker University of Southern California Charles Sammis University of Southern California Georg Dresen
Other Participants Thomas Goebel, USC
Bruno Reynard, ENS France
Thibault Candela, Penn State
SCEC Priorities 3, 4 SCEC Groups FARM, Seismology
Report Due Date 03/15/2014 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
This proposal was a second year renewal for continued, collaborative
work between GFZ Potsdam and USC to conduct laboratory stick-slip
experiments on granite samples and analysis of spatio-temporal
patterns of micro-seismicity from acoustic emissions. The project
mainly supported Thomas Goebel who graduated with a PhD from USC in
2013. Project results led to five peer-reviewed publications and
include a documentation of spatial $ value anomalies in light of
rupture initiation, a demonstration of stress, or seismic cycle,
driven temporal variations in b value during stick slip, as well as
a range of studies on the evolution of structural and seismic fault
Intellectual Merit Results funded from this project establish new connections between
laboratory fracture and friction experiments and natural seismicity,
with potential implications for the study of fault constitutive laws,
induced seismicity, and seismic hazard assessment.
Broader Impacts Broader impacts of the work include the support of a junior
scientist's training in interdisciplinary work and the strengthening of
international collaboration.
Exemplary Figure Figure 1