SCEC Award Number 23159 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Validation of SDSU module on SCEC BBP for Large-magnitude Earthquakes
Name Organization
Kim Olsen San Diego State University
Other Participants Ke Xu, PhD student
SCEC Priorities 4a, 4b, 4c SCEC Groups GM, Seismology, EEII
Report Due Date 03/15/2024 Date Report Submitted 03/17/2024
Project Abstract
We have extended the SDSU Broadband Platform (BBP) module to use compound source models, incorporating Strong Motion Generating Areas (SMGAs) for high-frequency (HF) ground motion from large-magnitude events, and validated the results against strong motion data from the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake. The low-frequency (LF) signals were taken as the recorded data from the Tohoku event, low-pass filtered to 1 Hz. After incorporating the ability to specify multiple SMGAs in the SDSU module, our compound model was able to reproduce the overall temporal and spectral characteristics of the observed HF ground motions for the event, including the multiphase arrivals of seismic wave groups.
Intellectual Merit The project has shown that it is possible to refine the SDSU BBP module for generating multiple Strong Motion Generation Areas by time-delayed envelope functions, making the code more realistic for large-magnitude earthquakes.
Broader Impacts By enabling the SDSU BBP module to include multiple, separate subevents for the high-frequencies (f>1 Hz), the module is now at least partly validated to be used to simulate large-magnitude earthquakes. A PhD student at SDSU is now familiar with the SDSU BBP code and has experience in BBP computations.
Exemplary Figure Figure 6. Waveform and FAS comparison between observed and synthetics for Tohoku Earthquake at station AOMH01. Credits: Anupam Patel.