SCEC Award Number 02124
Proposal Category Science Proposal
Proposal Title Emergent Modes on Earthquake Fault Systems: Illuminating the Relationship between Observable Data and the Underlying Dynamics of Fault Networks Using Numerical Simulations
Name Organization
John Rundle University of Colorado, Boulder
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities A1 SCEC Groups N/A, Fault Systems, Source Physics
Report Due Date N/A Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Virtual California is a numerical simulation of interacting faults that can be used to understand fault physics and to forecast future events. We developed methods that allow us to forecast a repeat of the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906.
Intellectual Merit Allows the user to develop a deeper understanding of fault physics.
Broader Impacts Can be used to forecast earthquakes so that insurance rates can be optimally set.
Exemplary Figure Figure 5