SCEC Award Number 20024 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title Combining High-Resolution Local Models with the SCEC CVMS
Name Organization
Robert Clayton California Institute of Technology Victor Tsai Brown University
Other Participants Jack Muir, Caltech
SCEC Priorities 4a SCEC Groups Seismology
Report Due Date 03/15/2021 Date Report Submitted 03/14/2021
Project Abstract
Accurate models of seismic velocities form a core SCEC data deliverable, with the Community Velocity Models (CVMs) forming a cornerstone of the SCEC modelling framework. However, despite increasingly better performance of the SCEC CVMs in validation exercises, the two current generation models (CVMS-4.26 and CVM-H) still mis-predict important engineering seismology measurements crucial to accurate assessment of seismic hazard within Southern California. In the preliminary report, we combine results a local inversion for shear wave velocity using the Ridgecrest earthquakes recorded on the CSN in the northern Los Angeles Basin.
Intellectual Merit This study provides a methodology to update the standard SCEC velocity models with local high-resolution models. This will we allow the community to add local studies without having to re-invert the entire model for S. California.
Broader Impacts The velocity models are widely used in the SCEC research environment and in the wider scientific community outside of SCEC. Im provements the these models benefits these studies.
Exemplary Figure Figure 3. Results of local tomographic update utilizing the level set method.