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SCEC Highlights and News

Archive of SCEC highlights and news articles that may be of interest to the SCEC community.

Results 1-10 of 885
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The big one': Researchers gain clearest picture yet of fault that threatens the Pacific Northwest
A silent colossus lurks off the Pacific coast, threatening hundreds of miles of coastline with tsunamis and devastating ...
NBC News
Breaking ground: Could geometry offer a new explanation for why earthquakes happen?
By taking a close look at the geometrical makeup of rocks where earthquakes originate, researchers at Brown University a...
USGS rolls out new update to ‘ShakeAlert' app to detect earthquakes earlier
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) announced a new update to its earthquake alert app that aims to give advance ...
NBC Los Angeles
A Tectonic Enigma Is Hiding Beneath the Ocean Floor
In newly published research, scientists from Paris, New York, and China try to explain a tectonic behavior deep under th...
Popular Mechanics
SwRI-led team to bolster earthquake readiness for U.S. Federal Highway Administration
Southwest Research Institute will enhance models to strengthen the earthquake resilience of America’s transportation i...
Faster alerts for California megaquakes: Early-warning system gets major upgrade
California's earthquake early-warning system is getting seismic upgrade, one that will allow residents to recieve more t...
L.A Times
Tsunami Sands Help Scientists Assess Cascadia Earthquake Models
With evidence from new sediment cores, researchers tested the performance of various models of the 1700 CE megathrust ea...
Optimizing earthquake data flow allows scientific research on 'The Big One'
No one can precisely predict when an earthquake is to happen. Since the 1994 6.7-magnitude Northridge earthquake in Los ...
Subduction zone splay faults compund hazards of great earthquakes
Groundbreaking research has provided new insight into the tectonic plate shifts that create some of the Earth’s larges...
Virgina Tech News
Improving the effectiveness of earthquake early warning systems
Mobile phones have become invaluable for receiving emergency alerts such as weather warnings, evacuation notices and not...