Exciting news! We're transitioning to the Statewide California Earthquake Center. Our new website is under construction, but we'll continue using this website for SCEC business in the meantime. We're also archiving the Southern Center site to preserve its rich history. A new and improved platform is coming soon!

Sanjay S. Bora

GNS Science
Senior Scientist (Engineering Seismologist)

Expertise: Ground-motion models, Seismic hazard analysis
About Me Publications
Currently, Sanjay works as an Engineering Seismologist (senior scientist) at GNS Science in Wellington. He was intimately involved in the New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) revision 2022. Additionally, he serves on the editorial board of BSSA (Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America) as associate editor since April 2021.
His research pursuits include: seismic hazard modelling, ground-motion modelling specifically treatment of uncertainties in hazard modelling.